Lenten Lecture Series

Reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary

Each year during Lent, on the five Wednesdays between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, the St. Kateri Institute offers a series of lectures focused on a theme within the Catholic intellectual tradition.

Past series have taken up such topics as “Virtue and Happiness,” “God’s Love and the Eucharistic Imagination,” and “Faith, Hope, and Love: Reflections on the Theological Virtues.” Among the excellent speakers who have contributed to the lecture series are Christopher Thompson, Fr. Bryan Daley, S.J., Phil and Carol Zaleski, Fr. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P., and Daria Spezzano.


Parish Hall | Sts. Patrick and Raphael Parish, Williamstown, MA

2024 Dates and Times:

Wednesday Nights | 7:30 p.m. February 21 – March 20, 2024

2024 Dates and Lectures


February 21st

“The Roots and Riches of the Rosary”

Presented by:

Fr. Philip Nolan, O.P.
Parochial Vicar, Holy Innocents Church, Pleasantville, NY

February 28th

“Lifting Up the Lowly: The Humble Joy of the Glorious Mysteries”

Presented by:

Fr. Jordan Zajak, O.P.
Assistant Professor of English, Providence College

March 6th

“Keeping Company with Mary: The Sorrowful Mysteries”

Presented by:

Sr. Catherine Marie Kauth and Sr. Diana Marie Andrews
Hawthorne Dominican Sisters, Hawthorne, NY

March 13th

“The Joyful Mysteries: Lessons for a Life of Peace and Fulfillment”

Presented by:

Ester Munt-Brooks
Founder of Fe, Valor, y Alegria

March 20th

“In Your Light We Shall See Light: Contemplating Christ in the Luminous Mysteries”

Presented by:

Meghan Duke
Tutor, Thomas Aquinas College

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